Nature–Based Interventions for Improving Health and Wellbeing: The Purpose, the People and the Outcomes

Resource Type (Category, Subcategory): Research, Study


Engagement with nature is an important part of many people’s lives, and the health and wellbeing benefits of nature–based activities are becoming increasingly recognised across disciplines from city planning to medicine. Despite this, urbanisation, challenges of modern life and environmental degradation are leading to a reduction in both the quantity and the quality of nature experiences. Nature–based health interventions (NBIs) can facilitate behavioural change through a somewhat structured promotion of nature–based experiences and, in doing so, promote improved physical, mental and social health and wellbeing.

Nature–Based Interventions for Improving Health and Wellbeing: The Purpose, the People and the Outcomes

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Danielle F. Shanahan, et. al.


Sports (Basel, Switzerland)

Date of Publication:

June 10, 2019
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